It's no secret that I love robots. So today, I'm going to share with you some of my favorite robots (in film/television/literature/media etc, not actual useful robots). Some you may know, some you may not, some don't even have names. I think the reason why I love robots so much is because they're oftentimes presented as child-like, curious, and yet very intelligent with new ideas to present to their often stuck-in-their-ways, jaded human counterparts. So here, I've listed my top 10 robots, ranked based on level of cuteness. Because robots are cute.
10) 'We're in Business' Robot
9) Light-Bot
This is a game to which Adam introduced me to apparently teach basics on programming. I actually did quite well. I think that's mostly because I was so enamored with the adorable robot. Play here!
8) This Sad Robot:
Click here. Now squee and feel sorry for this poor, sad robot.
7) The Hardee's Robot
He's so cute and sad and adorable!!!! Poor robot wants to eat the chicken sandwich. Note: there's a longer version of this commercial where he gets angry and uses his laser eyes. But laser eyes, while occasionally cute, are not as cute as sulking.
6) Data from 'Star Trek: The Next Generation'
Ok, so technically Data's an android (which is a subcategory of robots), and he's not constantly adorable like many others on this list. But he's definitely charming in his child-like innocence and curiosity. Enjoy this video of him learning to dance.
5) The Tin Woodsman from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.
The Tin Woodsman has had many reincarnations over the years, but of course my favorite is from the original book. Just look how cute he is in the original illustration! One of my favorite parts in the book is when he steps on an ant by accident and cries to the point of rusting. He then makes special care to avoid stepping on any more bugs. Awwww!!
4) Johnny 5 from Short Circuit.
Johnny 5 is the first robot that I fell in love with. Whenever I felt down, I watched this movie and felt instantly better. Like Data, he has child-like innocence and curiosity. "Need input, Stephanie!"
3) R2-D2 from Star Wars.
If you don't know who this is, seriously, where have you been?! To prove how adorable he is, here's a video of him dancing with a baby. I think we can all agree that R2 is at a superior level of cuteness.
2) Wall-E from Wall-E.
When I first saw the trailer, all I could think was, "CUTE OVERLOAD! CUTE OVERLOAD!" According to Adam who was with me in the movie theatre, apparently I was giggling uncontrollably. Obviously Johnny 5's little brother.
1) GIR from 'Invader Zim.'
I'm often compared to GIR. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I usually take it as a compliment, meaning that, while often dysfunctional and random, I'm really, really freaking cute.
So there you have it! The cutest, bestest robots ever! Tell me about YOUR favorite robots in film, television, and literature!