Friday, February 8, 2013

Songs I'm Obsessed with Right Now

Ok, short post: two songs I am loving the heck out of. Hope you like them as much as I do, although that would be pretty tough to do!

"Harder Before it Gets Easier" by David Wax Museum:

"Bottom of the River" by Delta Rae:

Friday, February 1, 2013

Celebrity Crushes

When it came to developing Celebrity crushes, I'm a late bloomer. I think it's because in high school, I was too busy crushing on people I actually knew or characters from books, TV, and movies. And yes, the characters, not the actors.

I think it's because I have such a fantastic relationship. I have no need to look other places, but it's still fun to get that fluttering nervous feeling about a person that you only get when you have a crush. I get that still every once in a while with my husband, but then I remember that I'm married to him and then my body goes, "Oh yeah, I remember that now!" and the feeling is replaced by that feeling of love instead ("I would die for you, I would kill for you. Either way, what bliss!").

So, I've had to find places to channel my lust for lusting. And since movie actors are constantly put on a pedestal and made to look perfect (and my significant other can rest assured there's no chance of me running away with them), that's an easy place to go. Right now, I can count three actors that I find simply irresistible:

David Tennant:

It's no secret I'm a Whovian. I think David Tennant playing the Doctor had a lot to do with sucking me into watching it. The over-confident, fast-talking, lanky Tennant to me was the perfect Doctor. And having him appear in every episode in those pinstripes suits... as ZZ Top wisely quipped, "Every girl crazy 'bout a sharp-dressed man!"

 Zachary Quinto:

When Adam took me to see the new 'Star Trek' movie, afterward he asked me, "What did you like about it?" All I could say was, "Spock's skinny jeans." When Adam then told me he was in 'Heroes,' I knew I had to watch the show. Zachary Quinto has this look about him, no matter what, of being stoic and a little on the intense side (in the case of 'Heroes,' a LOT on the intense side). Even when he's being funny and charming, he still looks a little crazy (watch this video, 'Dog Eat Dog').
Adrien Brody:

He's not in any TV shows I watch constantly, and he's only in one movie that I can say I really truly loved ('The Brothers Bloom,' please watch it), but Adrien's soulful sad eyes just make me melt every time I see him. He's also got great legs. Guys can have sexy legs, right?

Those are my Celebrity crushes! Now you share yours. :)