Friday, February 10, 2012

Listening to Classical Music 101

People often associate those who listen to classical music as being "smart." (And, by the way, I am generalizing the term "classical music." More on that later.) These are my explanation to that belief:

1) People like stuff that's repetitive and has words they can sing along to. That isn't too common in classical music. Outside the occasional Beethoven tune, whose tunes are just as catchy as any Lady Gaga song. Don't pretend you don't sing "Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah" every time you hear 'Ode to Joy' (or is that Batman I'm thinking of...?) Then again, there are so many lyricized (that is now a word!!) versions of it you probably DO sing along.

2) It's not something taught in most schools. Sure we're taught to read music (and even then it's a limited understanding), but not much about the music itself. That's what I assume anyway. I live in a music bubble who assumes only an elite few really know the difference between Bach and Brahms. Correct me if I'm wrong.

3) Damn Baby Mozart. Listen, I've got news for you: it's bull honkey. As someone with a degree in music therapy (yes there is such a thing and it's awesome), I can tell you your kids will get just as smart listening to Coldplay as Mozart. Seriously. Music has been shown to increase learning skills over various school subjects, but there is absolutely nothing magical about Mozart. Except for his flute (get it? 'Magic Flute'? hahaha... never mind.).

So now you're probably thinking, "well then, I guess I don't have to listen to classical music after all to be smart! Hooray!" Yes, true, but think of it this way: wouldn't you like to make everyone think that you're super smart? You could be that dude that's walking down the street, jamming out to Berlioz, chicks all, "oooh, he listens to classical music. That's so smart and sexy. I want to smooch him." After all, nerd is the new jock, so you better jump on this band wagon, baby. So to help you out, I'll be creating a guide to...

Listening to Classical Music 101!!

This will be a beginner's guide to classical music. It'll help you find the right music for the right setting. So whether you want to deeply analyze a symphony or just want something to play in the background while you read, you'll be able to find it quicker and better appreciate it.

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