Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mixed Feelings Music

This being a music blog, I need to mention the death of Davy Jones, band member of the Monkees. I grew up listening to the Monkees. I've always had a soft spot for them. Needless to say, it was sad news. RIP, Jones. Read more here.

So... changing the topic...

I find that I frequently come across songs/artists I can't decide whether I like or not. This phenomena comes in three ways: I will begin listening to the song on the radio and 1) want to like it but can't, 2) want to switch it off but find myself singing along instead, or 3) will listen to it half singing along, half making fun of it. Here are my examples:

I want to like it... but I can't!

My prime example is Adele. I'm just sick of her. I like "Rumor Has It" and "Set Fire to the Rain," but her first two radio hits ("Rolling in the Deep" and "Someone Like You"), I've just had about enough of it. Yes the music is good, but I can't stomach it for very much longer! Maybe if there were more like her, maybe then I'd like her better (variations on the same theme... honestly, I love the music, I've just had enough from one person). For example, Amy Winehouse! Very similar to Adele in style, but sings about more than just her Ex. "Rehab," her most famous song, was incredible. I wish she hadn't left us so soon... and I don't mean her death, I mean her presence on the radio. "Rehab came and went and nothing else was ever really played, except for "You Know I'm No Good" every once in a while... maybe, on the local alternative stations. Right now though, listening to soul-inspired pop from one person complaining about a breakup every single song... I'm tired of it. Stop, please. Sing something positive already. Maybe all those Grammys will cheer her up.

Coldplay kind of goes in this category for me. I don't know why... I think they also belong in the last category (half make fun of, half sing along to). Their music is hit-and-miss. Speaking of breakup songs: 'The Scientist' = Perfection. Oh well, David Tenant likes them, so I guess I should like them, too.

Gladly would I have his Time Lord babies.

That wasn't much, I know. But don't worry, the other two make up for it.

This song is so stupid... I'm going to sing along with it... ironically...

Oh, Ke$ha Ke$ha Ke$ha... you're disgusting.

Her music is degrading, it's auto-tuned, it's Lady Gaga rough drafts. Scratch that, it's what Lady Gaga created, went "Oh God, what have I done?!" and thrown out and hoped no one saw (speaking of which, I used to hate Lady Gaga... I don't know what happened between then and now, but she is my hero).

And I'm not the first to compare her to Lady Gaga, I know, but it works. I've seen her often compared to Lady Gaga with variations on the theme of her being like Lady Gaga, but not actually talented. And nasty. And not nasty like the fun kind of nasty. Just... nasty. She can't spell, she can't sing, she pukes glitter... and I can't help but sing along every freaking time.

I think it's because she's talented in some ways, but not others. She's funny, she's fun (best example: her music video for 'Blow.' Hilarious)! She knows how to put on a party. I can see her being an actress more than a 'singer.' Maybe a director? Something that's not singing... then again, I listen to her music, so who am I to judge?

Other songs I enjoy in shame:
"Like a G6" by Far East Movement
"Cooler Than Me" by Mike Posner
"Whip My Hair" by Willow Smith
"Give Me Everything" by Pitbull (just for the record, I really truly hate Pitbull... it's just this one song that gets me)

This song is stupid... oh, but that part's good...

This is where I feel the most conflicted. Best example from this category: The Fray. I've been hearing them a lot right now on the radio (since they're touring and will be in my city soon). They're like a God band, but not really. They have sappy messages, but the music is okay. I almost feel like I want to tear up when I hear "How to Save a Life," but I don't. And that kind of drives me crazy! What's holding them back from being good?

Katy Perry's the same way for me. "I Kissed a Girl" was a huge guilty pleasure for me when it came out, which displayed her incredible ability to piss off both the gay rights activists AND anti-gay groups. Oh wait, I feel another Doctor Who actor making their way into this blog...

However, come "California Gurls," where she demonstrated that she spells just as well as Ke$ha, she's pretty much lost my interest (since when is it cool to misspell?!).

And how 'bout them Kings of Leon? They make great music... it's just that their crappy songs are the ones that get on the radio. No really, listen to this:

Other songs that are only inches away from good:
"Breakfast at Tiffany's" by Deep Blue Something
"Lazy Song" by Bruno Mars (great music video. Nonono, not the monkey one!! The Spock one.)
"Moves Like Jagger" by Maroon 5
"Just a Kiss" by Lady Antebellum

Tell me about your Mixed Feelings Music!!

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