Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Ballad of the Last Centurian

Let's talk about Doctor Who!!


For those who have little to no interest in Doctor Who, read this anyway. I'll mostly using it as a means to talk about romantic relationships and will give you all the details you need to follow. If you ARE into Doctor Who and have not yet watched all the seasons with the Eleventh Doctor, well... SPOILERS!


I'm a huge fan of the new Doctor Who. Nothing wrong with the old, I just haven't gone back yet to watch, what? 30 years worth of catching up? Anyway, for those who don't know what Doctor Who is all about, here's a brief summary (feel free to skip, I think you'll be fine with or without it):

Beginning in 2005, the Doctor has returned to earth after committing genocide twice over: once to kill his mortal enemy the Daleks (Nazi-like squidy aliens who live in tin cans) and twice by killing his own race, the Time Lords. Time Lords, as their name implies, travel through time and space in their TARDISes (Time and Relative Dimension in Space). Being the last of his kind, he's kind of a big deal. When watching the show, you may notice they have different actors playing him: this is because the Doctor regenerates, meaning when he dies, he gets a brand spanking new body, making the show, along with him, immortal, as we can rotate through actors to play the lead role (nifty, huh?). This is also true for his companions: when they either get sucked into a parallel universe, get really bad space amnesia, or just get tired of him not smooching them, he gets a new smexy girl to follow him around. 

We good? Everyone caught up? Cool, let's talk about Pond.

Starting in 2010, Doctor Who got a whole new makeover: we got a new Doctor, new companion, new writer, even a new TARDIS interior. Amy's plot is (in my opinion) the most interesting of all the companions.  She's certainly not the first to fancy the Doctor, but she is the first to have a husband along for the ride.

So in a lot of ways, it's been a love triangle. Amy loves both the Doctor and Rory (her boyfriend and later husband), but the two are very different. It's a classic tale: the Doctor is a smart, sexy, mad man who whisks her away on grand adventures. Rory is down to earth, sweet, loyal, and while he's not the best lookin' guy, he has his charms. Rory often has insecurities because he almost needs to compete with the Doctor for his woman.

But if you ask me, it's no contest. Why?... well, this is why: Amy and the Doctor travel back to ancient Rome where the Doctor is put on trial and sentenced to forever imprisonment in a box called the Pandorica. There they meet Rory who is now a plastic Roman robot (don't ask questions, either watch the show for the explanation or just go with it). Rory's Roman robot self takes over as he unwillingly shoots the love of his life. But wait! The Doctor tells him: put her in the Pandorica instead and she'll be safe for 2,000 years. Guard it with your life, he tells Rory, until we meet again in the 21st Century. Then I can save her.

And that's exactly what he does.

Oh. My. God. Can we say "loyal"?

Girls often find themselves in this verses: do I go with the sexy mad man with uber-baggage who will make my life exciting, or do I go with the average Joe who will love me more than life itself and will give me the every day? Personally I tried the mad man. It's not what it's cracked up to be, because it's not about you; it's about him. He just needs someone to admire him, that's all the mad man needs. He doesn't care who, just someone. 

Me? I'll take a Rory any day. To quote Amy:

"You know when sometimes you meet someone so beautiful and then you actually talk to them and five minutes later they're as dull as a brick? Then there's other people, when you meet them you think, "Not bad. They're okay." And then you get to know them and... and their face just sort of becomes them. Like their personality's written all over it. And they just turn into something so beautiful. 
Rory's the most beautiful man I've ever met."

Girls, tell me about guys you've dated. Have you ever had to choose between the Doctor and Rory? And who did you choose, if any?

PS: since this is a music blog, I wanted to include this song (this is actually what triggered my writing this one). This song, "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri apparently was written for the Twilight series (stupid Twilight is stupid). Me, like many other Whovians, thought of Amy and Rory instead. This song with these visuals... they make me cry every time.

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