Saturday, March 31, 2012

Drive-By Blogging

Yes, that damn Train song is stuck in my head, thanks to an adorable fan-made music video of it:

I've been sick for the last couple days and haven't been blogging, so to make sure mine doesn't get lost in the abyss of forgotten blogs (man it's depressing hitting that "Next Blog" buttons!), I'm going to tell you something about Train:

Their lyrics are weird and don't make sense... and I love it.

"Drive By" is the epitome of "...wha?" But you know what makes it good? It's the fact that it flows. I think the point is not the words and their actual meanings, but how it sounds. Because God knows no girl wants their guy to compare their love to toilet paper and garbage bags.

I've got to give them credit for at least having a somewhat linear concept in "Drive By." I actually prefer their last hit, "Hey Soul Sister" (for personal reasons, reminds me of a great friend from college who sang it whenever something awesome happened), but that one... that song is an ADD squirrel after a six-pack of Red Bull random. But. I. Love. It.

"If they don't like it sue me!"

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