Tuesday, March 13, 2012

World's Most Sincere Love Song

I love this song. Nothing to say about it, I just wanted to share. Maybe I'll say more later.

"Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop" by Landon Pigg

Ok, now I'm going to share more thoughts on this song.

Love comes in many different ways for different people. We're  a diverse race, so why would we find love in the same way as well? For me though, this is how I've fallen in love. Some people just seem to know, that whole "love at first sight" thing. For me, falling in love is sneaky. It takes time for me to admit having fallen in love. That's why this is to me the song that best describes how I fall in love. He's shy about it. He won't outright admit that he's in love. He says that he "think[s] that possibly maybe [he's] fallen" in love. That's sincere, that's honest. Love is wonderful, but it's also scary.

People are often too eager to rush into things, I think. They find the first inkling of something and they run for it. When it comes to love (romantic, friendship, any kind of love), I fall gradually. Maybe it's just a personal thing, but it makes me feel safer to do it that way. You have a better idea of what you're getting yourself into. And why rush it? Go ahead and blush and stutter when you say those three little words. Allow yourself to take your time. If it isn't meant to be, it'll make it easier to remove yourself. If it is meant to be, it'll make the love grow even sweeter with time.

How do you fall in love? What's a love song to which you relate?