Thursday, February 23, 2012

Music < Love?

In case you're wondering, my music history book was laced with chloroform. That's why I haven't posted in so long. (Actually what happened is that I got faced with talking about Mozart. I'm trying my best to do him and his revolutionary brothers of the Classical era justice.) Anyway...

So what I'd like to talk about instead is a major conflict in my relationship with my husband: tastes in music. See, I like good music... (kidding, love!). This was a conflict right from the start for us. A person's musical tastes, for me, reflects who the person is. I was actually okay with that when considering what kind of music he liked. If that's true, he's patriotic, hard-working, spiritual, and love to kick it back with friends with a beer (all true!).

Here's my problem though: that means I'm complicated, high-strung, artistic, and often incomprehensible. Artistic I could get on board with... the others, not so much.

So could a country boy ever love a hipster?

The answer came to me when we were talking on Skype while I was organizing some papers for school. We had just started dating and I asked him how he felt about our new status. He stuttered for a while... "um, I don't think I can really describe it..." there was a pause and some clicking. A link popped up to a video. "I think this ought to describe how I'm feeling..." he said.

Well yeah my heart melted!

While our main music genres were dissimilar, we found middle ground in folk, rock and roll, and musicals. Although even then we had differences: he liked Jan and Dean, I liked the Monkees. He liked Fiddler on the Roof, I liked the Music Man. The only one we would both proclaim equal adoration for was John Denver. But hey! We found music for us.

I actually thought I found our middle ground in one song; the perfect blend of country and alternative:

Yeah... he didn't like it. </3 Oh well, at least we have Modest Mouse.

It's funny thinking about it now because, well, it still holds true. If he chooses a radio station, it's going to be the country station. If I choose, I choose my iPod because... /insert hipster joke here/. But what's funny is that when we first started dating, we couldn't STAND each other's music. Now, I'll gladly sing along to a few Toby Keith's and he'll rock out to Franz Ferdinand. My concerns about us never finding music to listen to together weren't completely unfounded, but I've found that no matter how music I love my music, I love my man more (feel free to puke at that).

Tell me about what kind of music you listen to with your significant other! Do you like the same kind of music? Can you not stand each other's music? Somewhere in between?

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